Barrels & IBC
Up to 1 m3
Reaction vessels
Up to 25 m3
Tank trucks
Up to 60 m3
ISO tanks
Up to 26 m3
Rail tank cars
Up to 85 m3
Oil Storage Tanks
До 120 тыс. м3
Barrels & IBC
Up to 1 m3
Reaction vessels
Up to 25 m3
Tank trucks
Up to 60 m3
ISO tanks
Up to 26 m3
Rail tank cars
Up to 85 m3
Oil Storage Tanks
До 120 тыс. м3
Tanks Cleaning Technology
Outside cleaning of tank wagons from dark petroleum products
Hot water pressure washing
Cold water pressure washing
Principles of influence on pollution
Technology of any cleaning
The removal of oil-based contaminants is similar to washing of greasy dishes — with a hot water it goes much faster!

Also in 1959 Dr. Herbert Sinner, former head of tenside chemistry at Henkel in Germany formulated the basic principles of surface cleaning from pollution. The bottom line is that the most effective solution to any cleaning task depends on the right combination of all 4 factors:

  • temperature
  • detergent
  • time
  • mechanical impact

The above points can be easily represented in pie chart — this is where the name of the 'Sinner Circle' theory came from. The essence of the Sinner circle is that with a decrease in the impact of one of sectors will need to increase the impact of other sectors.
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